The right wallpaper can make a room shine. The colour combinations, the patterns, the pictures, the design – all of these aspects can control the artistic temperature of the interior (warm vs. cool) and speaks volumes about your personal tastes. When posting your wallpaper in any room, you want it to be as smooth, attractive, and straight as possible to create a look you’ll love.
But, to do this, you need the help of certified experts and design professionals. You need the assistance of Schaus Decorating!
At Schaus, we work with you to let your imagination be your only limit. We use our extensive stock of wallcovering books to offer you the most options anywhere, and encourage you to browse our catalogs for hours! York, Provincial, and other Ontario Suppliers – we provide a wide variety of creative wallcovering solutions from the best brand names to help you create the most fabulous interior façade possible. From rustic to chic, classic to contemporary, Schaus can aid you with any remodeling project, no matter the scale!
For more information regarding our wallpaper selections, or to schedule your own personalized consultation with us, please come into our Woodstock showroom, or call us at 519-539-7870. York Wall coverings Ontario Wall coverings Provincial Wall coverings